Monday, August 31, 2009


Upon the passing of a dear friend of mine (who happened to be a 95-year-old with a LOVE for jewelry), I was given a box of her old books. I knew I needed to create something with them because they were far too beautiful to just sit on a shelf and collect dust. For about six months, they sat in their box and everytime I walked by, I glanced at them with brain gears fully turning, until an idea finally glanced back.

Thesaurus Bangle Bracelets,

Atlas Bangle Bracelets,

I couldn't think of a better way to pay homage to her and the very things that enriched her life.

More styles to come.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


This was my first ever concept piece. When I paired the brass flower and the bead-capped bead together, I thought to myself, "That kinda looks like a tall flower in a little, water-filled vase".

I figured since I gave the flower water, I needed to give it sunlight too.

Water-filled Vase Necklace,

I've (thankfully) grown a lot of these over the past few months.

Monday, August 3, 2009


It was so hot and so stuffy, which I usually can't stand, but tonight I embraced the cloud and plowed through. Not a single person I invited came (except for BD of course), because it doesn't matter to them anymore (and that's ok). But when I realized the room was packed body-to-body from the front all the way to the back, I knew we had transcended the friends-as-fans realm and that our band had become something important to people aside from ourselves.

So thank you, strangers, for singing along.
And standing in the front.
And in the back.
And for reminding me how fun this is.